What is your digital identity?

As of January 2020, almost 4,54 billion people were active internet users around the world. Every online user has a digital identity, either we like it or not.

Personal digital identity consists in small parts of information about users available online. More specifically, it contains online accounts, usernames, personal data, medical history, credit card numbers but also online comments, search activities, behaviour, friends, family…any data related to a person.

Moreover, nowadays, public administration offices have the possibility to issue and receive documents which are part of our identity, ie. passports, certifications, tax declarations.

In a digital oriented world, it’s a challenge to use online services and to limit what we share and how we share it. When we use social media platforms or online booking sites we enter personal information which remains stored online and ownership is given up.

Make it easier!

DISK project aims to help citizens in taking an active role in the digital society and, in this specific issue, will enable you to create and manage your social identity, getting through the jungle of norms and policy settings of account providers and social network, in order to have an easier online experience. Follow our blog to stay updated on the project news and results!

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