H5P Question Sets

H5P logoDo you want to create appealing self-evaluations? H5p offers you numerous tools to create remarkable question sets. Here is an example from a course on working and searching for materials on the internet. This question set uses only a few of the possible types of questions, but clearly shows the opportunities and variations that are possible.

In the DISK courses, we frequently use H5P applications: For presentations, timelines, or self-evaluation (and final assessments).

Example: Question Set

This example is taken from the course module “Searching on the Internet” and is used for self-evaluation. The question types are mixed: Yes – No questions as well as multiple-choice questions. For many answers, direct feedback with some explanation is available and implemented. 

About question sets

A question set is a collection of questions drawn from selected tests and pools. You can use question sets when you create tests, final assessments, or self-evaluation tasks. You choose how many questions you want in the set. The questions are randomly selected each time a student takes the test. 

Another option to use these question sets is “Learning by Assessment“. You must differ between “Assessment of Learning“, which means to evaluate learning outcomes, and Learning by Assessment. Through this process, students are able to learn about themselves as learners and become aware of how they learn – become metacognitive (knowledge of one’s own thought processes). Assessment as learning helps students to take more responsibility for their own learning and monitoring future directions.



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