The DigiComPass Project – building upon the DISK results

Empowering European Citizens through Digital Competence: Introducing the DigiComPass Project In today’s interconnected world, digital competence is not just a benefit but a necessity. The European Union’s DigComp 2.0 framework reveals that the average digital competence among well-educated Europeans is 56%. However, this average masks significant disparities among countries, with nations like Italy, Cyprus, Spain, Read More …

Essential Digital Skills Adults Must Have When Using Tablets

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, proficiency in technology is not just advantageous but essential, especially for adults. The advent of tablets has revolutionized how we interact with the digital world. Renowned for their portability and intuitive interfaces, tablets have emerged as a favored tool among adults, seamlessly integrating into both personal and professional spheres Read More …

Digital Skills Gaps

According to the European Commission’s Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI)1 report from 2020, 42% of individuals in the European Union (EU) lacked basic digital skills. The digital skills gap was more pronounced among older adults, low-income households, and those with lower levels of education. These statistics suggest that a significant proportion of adults in Read More …

Digital skills adults must have

In today’s digital age, having digital competencies is essential for adults to thrive in both personal and professional settings. Digital competencies refer to a person’s ability to use digital technologies effectively and efficiently. In this essay, we will discuss the most important digital competencies that adults must have today. First and foremost, digital literacy is Read More …

Sustained Learning

Sustained learning, which involves acquiring knowledge and skills that have long-lasting benefits, can be implemented through various strategies. Here are some approaches to consider: Active learning Rather than just passively receiving information, learners actively engage with the material. This can include activities such as discussions, group projects, and problem-solving exercises. Active learning has been shown Read More …

DISK-Project published in OER-Commons

The DISK-Project Partners created their own group in the OER-Commons Platform. Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials that you may freely use and reuse at no cost, and without needing to ask permission. Unlike copyrighted resources, OER have been authored or created by an individual or organization that chooses to retain few, Read More …

Role of Multimedia in the Learning Process

Richard E. Mayer (2002): Cognitive Theory and the Design of Multimedia Instruction: An Example of the Two-Way Street Between Cognition and Instruction The multimedia-based approach uses visual learning (pictures, written text, animations, and videos) and verbal learning (spoken narration) as discrete channels for delivering content. This way to teach differs completely from the traditional frontal Read More …

La seconda newsletter del progetto DISK è disponibile!

DISK- Strumenti di sopravvivenza per immigrati digitali  Seconda newsletter Giugno 2022 Per i partner del progetto DISK – Digital Immigrant Survival Kit,  questi ultimi due anni sono serviti per finalizzare i 15 moduli di formazione pensati per sviluppare le competenze digitali di chi ha scarsa familiarità con le tecnologie e Internet. I moduli seguono lo Read More …

Different Ages & Digital Competencies

The generation 65+ and digital competencies This generation has undoubtedly not grown up with digitization. Nevertheless, the generation 65+ has to face the modern world with digital technology. Filling up with a debit card at a fuel terminal is now taken for granted, as is communication with smartphones. All these technological achievements of recent years Read More …

H5P interactive video and educational animation

In the DISK training course, we partners tried to offer different interactive elements to stimulate and optimize the learning process of course participants. Among the H5p applications, interactive presentations allow educators to add many useful involving learning elements and insights. The same is valid for H5P interactive video.  In several DISK modules, interactive presentations were Read More …