Techniques for image creating

Training Content Framework
03 Techniques for image creating

Description of the Training Module 03

Training Content Framework: Techniques for Image Creating

Module title

Techniques for Image Creating

Notional Learning time 

Approx. 6 hours

Description of the module

The module is built linearly. The sequences are

  1. Overview image sources (Camera, Smartphone, Scanner, Computer program)
  2. Camera (CCD, raster image format, Types of digital cameras)
  3. Smartphone (Differences & similarities to camera)
  4. Scanner (CCD, line-based image creation, scanner alternatives as smartphone apps), OCR
  5. Computer Programs
    1. „Draw“ an image with an image editing program
    2. Image and graphic creation with PowerPoint
    3. Raster image creation vs vector-based graphics (PowerPoint)
  6. Examples of image-creating software (freeware)

Learning objectives

Know about various methods to create images

Be able to select the best fitting way to create a needed image

Be able to create simple images using the presented options and programs


  1. Introduction
  2. Presentation of the various devices of creating images
  3. First self-evaluation
  4. Hands-on work
  5. Second self-evaluation


Learning content

  1. Overview image sources (Camera, Smartphone, Scanner, Computer program)
  2. Camera (CCD, raster image format, Types of digital cameras)
  3. Smartphone (Differences & similarities to camera)
  4. Scanner (CCD, line-based image creation, scanner alternatives as smartphone apps), OCR
  5. Computer Programs
    1. „Draw“ an image with an image editing program
    2. Image and graphic creation with PowerPoint
    3. Raster image creation vs vector-based graphics (PowerPoint)
  6. Examples of image-creating software (freeware)

Learning content type in moodle

  1. Interactive map (Overview image sources) with terms and short descriptions
  2. Written summary to 1) (assignment, uploaded)
  3. Registered/Tabbed page (Camera, Smartphone, Scanner) with interactive multimedia-based material
  4. Case Study about various image-creating situations
    Assignment: Solve the case study questions & upload to Moodle
  5. Book: Computer programs (reading)
  6. Practical assignments
    1. „Draw“ an image with an image editing program (
    2. Image and graphic creation with PowerPoint (or LibreOffice Draw)
    3. Raster image creation vs vector-based graphics (PaintNet PowerPoint / LibreOffice Draw)
  7. Examples of image-creating software (freeware)
    Gimp, PaintNet, LibreOffice suite, ScanApp (Android & IOs)
  8. Final Self-evaluation



  • Summary to Overview image sources
  • Assignment: Solve the case study questions
  • Practical assignments
    • Design a Logo (, LibreOffice Draw)
    • Create a timeline (LibreOffice Draw)

External resources

Software downloads

Videos (YouTube) → problem: translation (must be done with subtitles)



Learning outcomes in terms of competence




Reference to competence map

Reference to competence map

Reference to competence map

Know various ways to create an image

Know various ways to scan an image

Be able to draw an image

Be able to create a (vector) graphics

Use the best tool in dependency on the expected result


Evaluation content

Two self-evaluations and a final self-evaluation
Three assignments (continuous formative evaluation)